Research Item
The purpose of this study will be to investigate factors contributing to under representation of female teachers in headship positions in primary schools of Moshi Rural.
This study will involve three chapters which are contextualization of the study, literature review and research methodology. The first chapter will focus on introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, Research questions or hypothesis, Objectives of the study, purpose of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study ,scope of the study and operational definitions of the terms. The second chapter will include Theories, Conceptual framework, empirical study. And knowledge gap. Chapter three will include Research design, Study population, Sampling and sample size, Area of study, Data collection techniques, Validity and realiability,Ethical issues, Data analysis and time frame. This study will be guided by socialization theory to hierarchical gender prescriptions which will give three distinct theoretical traditions that help, understand sex and gender. This study will use both quantitative and qualitative technique where quantitative will rely on the numerical data while qualitative will involve descriptions.
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